Self-esteem -- Six governing laws are.
1- The highest form of self-esteem is silence at a time when everyone is waiting for you to explode. With words, silence is often more eloquent than words.
2- Do not force anyone to take care of you and ask about you. He who truly loves you will search for you, as if he were searching for something valuable that he lost.
3- Remain alone if necessary. Do not enter the life of those who do not need you, and do not impose yourself on those who reject you. It is better to leave in pain and haughty than to remain marginalized and humiliated. For those who do not feel happy in your closeness, be sure that your happiness will be in your departure.
4- Do not be generous to those who insult you, do not be sympathetic to those who are cruel to you, do not sympathize with those who sold, do not seek refuge in those who deliberately misled you, and do not long for those Who not need you.
5- To live the cycle of being satisfied with everything, even if you are in dire need of it, and not to ask for something twice, and not to knock on a door that was closed in your face one day.
6- I am not a sarcastic tongue, and of course self-esteem is to stay away from everything that reduces your respect and self-worth. Remember that a happy life lies in your satisfaction, sufficiency, and self-esteem.
Abn Iiblis